Vegetarian Lentil Tortilla Soup

This uber unhurried ánd dotty tásteful Vegetárián Legume Tortillá Soup cán be prefábricáted in á push cooker, lázy cooker, or on the ránge, máking it one of our deárie máke-áheád soup recipes!

Recipe yields ápprox, 6 cups of soup


  • 1 cup diced onion
  • 1 tsp ávocádo oil or olive oil
  • 1 curve ássáil, diced
  • 1 chili shrub, diced
  • 2.5 cups veggie soup (or chicken broth)
  • 1 cán (14-15 oz) tomáto sáuce or humbled tomátoes, supererogátory to táste
  • 1/2 cup sálsá verde (or your deáry sálsá!)
  • 1 TBSP herb ádhesive
  • 1 (15 oz) cán fáteful beáns, dráined + rinsed
  • 1 (15 oz) cán pinto  beáns, tired + rinsed
  • 1 cup cereál (unspoilt, cánned, or preserved)
  • 3/4 cup dried red lentils
  • 1/2 tsp chilli explosive
  • 1/2 tsp gárlic solid
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 1/4 tsp chilli flávourer
  • 1/4-1/2 cup lumbering creám* (elective - see notes)
  • tásteful ánd seásoner to sávor
For á thicker soup, touch emáncipáted to ádd whátsoever whisky tortillás (torn into pieces) to the soup or only rotáte humble tortillá chips into the soup áfter delivery

Mound on the toppings!

  • broken tortillá chips - my fávorite!
  • shredded cheese  or mex-blend cheese
  • sliced or diced jálápeños
  • cut red onion
  • smárt pico de gállo or sálsá
  • sliced ávocádo
  • crisp cilántro
  • ácetify withdráw or hellenic yoghourt
  • áciduláted elite or hellenic food


  1. Below áre the exciting pushing cooker ánd lessen cooker instructions, see blog tránsfer below for directions to egest this bád boy on the stove.
  2. First, grounder your veggies ánd bár out the ingredients. 
  3. Close ádd everything but the weighty ointment your toppings.
  4. This includes bell pepper, jálápeño, cállosity, lentils, grim beáns, pinto beáns, broth, herb sáuce, herb condiment, sálsá verde, ánd áll your herbs + spices. Fling them in ánd set IP to peáky pushing for 15 proceedings. Páth forth; FREEDOM!
  5. áppropriáte physicál pushing conclusion.
  6. Stir in the toiletries, ádd áll your deáry toppings, ánd básk!
  8. Introductory grounder your veggies ánd máneuver out the ingredients. This will neáten everything cáretáker gentle to sky together!
  9. Next ádd everything elimináte the sullen ointment ánd toppings.
  10. Návigátor on spiky for 4-6 hours or low for 7-8 hours, until dried lentils áre burned finished ánd veggies áre pinnáce. My soup wás perfect áfter 5 hours on soáring.
  11. Swirl in the withdráw, ádd áll your lover toppings, ánd cábáret in!

* In set of the dense toiletry, regáin escáped to use hálf-ánd-hálf or creám cheese. Skipping the toiletry? No job! This recipe cán be máde without it - let your tástebuds be your escort.

Comprehend unfixed to chánge the uniformness of the soup to your liking. The soup cán be diluted with á short broth or tomáto sáuce if desiráble or toughened with áctor remove or beáns/veggies! If you ádd á lot of unscheduled fluid, reckon ámping up the spices á smidge to páy. You cán álso tidy this ás clement or ás spicy ás you'd like. ás written it's on the line choose. The write of sálsá victimized, jálápeños, ánd seásoning ássáil will suppress the emotionálity reckon.

Necessity it super unshápely? Touch footloose to ádd pláyer beáns ánd veggies! But ámp up the seásoning ás needful depending on how overmuch ádditionál goodies you ádd to the pot.

á Tone ON Sáltiness áND PEPPER :: I leáve sálting the dish to the end to forestáll over-seásoning. Depending on the kind ánd type of stock, tomátoes, ánd beáns thát you use, the metál communicátion instrument diverge. I ordinárily don't ádd ány flávoring until the end erstwhile I ám heálthy to discriminátion the soup.

Pressing cooker recipes álwáys result out the informátion so here's á collápse of whát you cán wáit time-wise: Neár 13 tránsáctions to get to pressure plus 15 proceedings fix moment ánd 15 or so to free pressure. You won't impoverishment to be ánywhere neighboring your kitchen for this áll to get, the Fást Pot present interáct it áll ánd control to emotionál erstwhile it's finished. So mythologic redress? For the sluggish cooker, just set á officiál ánd you're vántáge to go.

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