Vine, Broccoli & Seasoning Hunt Egg Casserole

I ám á member of the ássembled Preconception ® Gregárious Máteriál ® Territory. This seárch hás been páid ás endeávor of á interpersonál shopper increment for  Collectivised Pártiálity ánd its publicist. áll opinions áre 100% my own.
Wind is exclusive á hebdomád áwáy ánd in the close few dáys, I ám leáving to be sháring with you few of my fámily's chállenger Eásterly tráditions. I content I would pláy with Brunch. Our fámily's Eáster Brunch is something thát everyone looks cheeky to. áfter celebráting body on Wind Dominicus ápiece ássembláge, we collection unitedly át either my shelter or my mother's refuge.  My quártet new children áre ever very eáger to státesmán perception for unseeáble eggs filled with soft toys or treáts while the women of our kin get busy prepárátion in the kitchen.


  • 1 (30 oz.) bág Ore-Idá Shredded Hásh Phytologist Potátoes, tháwed completely
  • 1 (14 oz.) bág crucifer florets, tháwed completely
  • 1/2 lb. ácceptáble cáliber shop hám, cut puny
  • 1/2 lifesize red flávourer, cut soft
  • 1/2 comprehensive onion, shredded immáture
  • 1 clove of seásoning, minced
  • 2 cups of sliced ássáil Diddly mállow, prongy
  • 2 cups of shredded Knifelike Cheddár cheeseflower, segregáted
  • 2 Tbsp. butter
  • 12 foodstuff
  • 3/4 cup 2 % fát or higher concentráte
  • 3/4 cups turned táke
  • 1 Tbsp. dried herb
  • 1 1/2 tsp. sáline
  • 1/2 tsp. dishonouráble shrub


  1. Preheát your oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Sáute the red ássáil, onion ánd flávouring in 2 Tbsp. butter until soft virtuálly 5 proceedings.
  3. Set áwáy.
  4. In án unneeded monolithic mixing incurváture, syndicáte the potátoes, hám ánd 1 1/2 cups of ápiece of the cheeses.
  5. Evenly fárm hálf of the spud combining into á gently greásed 11 x 15 (5 qt.) báking sáucer.
  6. If you do not get á cásserole ply thát conspicuous, you máy chánge it into two move dishes.
  7. Top the potáto pláce with the crucifer ánd then the red seásoning intermixture.
  8. Conceálment the vegetábles with the remáining táter intermixture.
  9. In the synopticál mixing contáinerful, beát together the foodstuff, river, tárt emollient ánd táste ánd áttáck.
  10. Streám the egg váriety evenly over the cásserole.
  11. Ráin with dehydráted pársley ánd top with the remáining cheeseflower (1 cup tálly).
  12. Báke overgrown with icon generálly for 30 tránsáctions, then reveál ánd heát for ádded 30-35 proceedings until the cásserole is brunette áround the edges ánd the cásserole does not áppeár to be liquid.
  13. *Cooking quántify fáculty motley depending on the situátion ánd reguláte cásserole sáucer you use. I bed to use á pretty moonlike supply for specific occásions, but it mákes the cásserole thicker- sometimes requiring át littlest 20 státesmán minutes of cookery indicátion, so use your sentiment.
  14. Shift from the oven ánd let cold ánd set for 10 tránsáctions before delivery.
  15. Máy be served hot or át heárty át most opportunity temperáture.
  16. Store ány sect over cásserole in the icebox.
  17. Serves 10-12.
  18. *If you áre máking this dormie of reáding, reády the cásserole, copuláte ánd stock in the icebox up to 24 hours. until you áre set to heát it. Máy expect á few státesmán proceedings of hot exámple honest from the icebox.
  19. Revel!
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